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organ-是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/orga...html 发布时间:2021-03-25
organ-是什么意思 organ-在线翻译 organ-什么意思 organ-的意思 organ-的翻译 organ-的解释 organ-的发音 organ-的同义词 organ-的反义词 organ-的例句 organ-organ- 双语例句

1. Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as\'\'.

2. However, it should be paid attention that some powers of ownerships of the organ are limited.

3. organ-什么意思

3. The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.

4. The economist whom the news organ interviewed thinks that the foreground of job market in USA is dark and getting worse.

5. Hypertrophy Enlargement of a tissue or organ due to an increase in the size of its cells or fibers.

6. organ-的翻译

6. While the Bar Association is on the surface a professional association, it is in fact a government organ wearing the clothing of an association.

7. MIH is produced in the medulla terminalis of the X-organ and stored in the sinus gland of the eyestalk.

8. Positive theology furnishes a starting point in its traditional formulae: viz., God is the author of Scripture, the inspired writer is the organ of the Holy Ghost, Scripture is the Word of God.


9. Institute of Organ Transplantation, Affiliated Tongji Hospital
作者:曹荣华,袁宏银,杨国梁作者单位:1.430030武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院器官移植研究所; 2。

10. organ-

10. There need great quantity of seed cells and fine cytoskeleton materials for tissue engineering to satisfy the request of engineering tissue or organ for building and moulding.

11. Objective:To investigate changes in activities of the intestinal mucosal mast cells in multiple organ failure.
目的 :研究多器官衰竭时肠黏膜肥大细胞活性的变化,从黏膜免疫的角度探讨 MOF的病理生理机制。

12. In a separate study, Ricordi\'s group added perfluorocarbon to the standard University of Wisconsin organ preservation solution, allowing them to use islet cells from marginal organs that would have typically been discarded under current organ donor criteria.

13. organ-的意思

13. To prevent vesicoureteral injury or necrosis, interventional performers should be familiar with image express, be skillful with catheter technique, select the proper catheter and emboli material, superselect artery of target organ.

14. Objective To investigate the interaction between tectorial membrane and inner hair cell stereocilia in the condition of vibration of the organ of Corti.
目的 探讨在Corti器振动过程中盖膜与内毛细胞静纤毛的相互作用关系;进一步阐明感音传导过程中,内耳Corti器微观结构可能的存在状态。

15. The heart, it has been said, is the primary organ of our being, the point of convergence between mind and matter, the centre alike of our physical constitution and our psychic and spiritual structure.

16. This is the poster of the foot and organ relative position.

17. organ-的近义词

17. Ganxu Agricultural Machinery Supervisory General Station is an organ managing safety in production of agricultural machinery.

18. The chemistry behavior research of wollastonite indicated that the silicon-potassium fertilizer has a chemical active in organic acid. The factors affecting manurial effect of silicon-potassium fertilizer are not only soil pH and desilicification, but also content and type of organ in the soil. Wollastonite chemistry behavior indicates that silicic acid can be dissolved out from silicon-potassium fertilizer in chlorhydric acid solution if pH of solution is not smaller than 2. The drop of apparent density, increase of DBP sorptive rate and specific surface for leavings indicate that hydrated silicon oxide is polyporous, and those mineralogic feature presignify that silicon-potassium fertilizer has a role of conservation of both Moisture and Fertility and improving soil structure. After active ingredient releasing, silicon-potassium fertilizer leaves half the substance (non-active ingredient)in soil.

19. organ-

19. Observing the paintings of cottonroses of Ms. Xu Manke, I start to undergo a fit of reasonable fantasy over nature. The paintings are very dear to nature and this dearness is a dear sense of feeling as well as that of the sense organ.


20. The public security organ must produce a warrant of arrest when arresting a person.

organ- 单语例句

1. The CPPCC ceased to act as the supreme organ of power in 1954 when the National People\'s Congress was convened.

2. The CPPCC ceased to act as the supreme organ of power in September 1954 when the National People\'s Congress was convened.

3. The establishment of a national organ on preventing corruption will sound the clarion call to fight the scourge from its very root.

4. \" The hope would be we could generate an organ that matched your body, \" said Doris Taylor of the University of Minnesota Center for Cardiovascular Repair.

5. Only when the drug carrier arrives at the correct organ or area, will medicine in the carrier be released.

6. It is also widely claimed that hospitals with preoccupied with the quantity of organ transplants they could carry out over quality.

7. If the transplant results in any of the organ recipients being infected with HIV, those involved in the case will be considered in violation of the law.

8. Castor beans are poisonous owing to the presence of ricin, which can lead to organ failure and death.

9. Police announced on Saturday that 137 suspects had been caught in the latest crackdown on human organ trafficking.

10. An endoscopy is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to examine the inside of a hollow organ or cavity.

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本文链接: http://organ.immuno-online.com/view-740500.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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